First-Year Admissions Events



本科招生办公室全年提供许多招生活动,以帮助您了解更多国外博彩app国外博彩app和导航招生过程. We hope to see you at one! 

Find more 本科转学生活动.

Redhawk Summer Fridays

Summer 2024

加入我们在西雅图的红鹰夏日星期五, 延长访问选项,让您了解更多国外博彩app的红鹰社区, 听听校园伙伴和国外博彩app在校学生的意见, 了解重要的经济援助资源, and take a tour of campus. 欢迎大一新生和转学生以及他们的客人.

Welcome and Overview of SU

我们的招生团队会来迎接你, 谁会首先向你概述苏大的经历和机会.


你知道国外博彩app的大多数学生都来自年收入低于12万美元的家庭吗? Additionally, 加州大学的学生平均借贷超过10美元,000 less than the national average, 26%的人不需要贷款.

Learn more about scholarships, the financial aid process, 我们的一位知识渊博的财务援助顾问会做一个简短的介绍.

Student and Campus Partner Panel

加入校园内学生生活办公室的代表, along with current Redhawks, 国外博彩app学生在课堂内外的体验. Ask your questions and get some answers!

Campus Tour and Specialized Options
Explore our Beautiful Park in the City
加入我们的学生大使之一,他们将向您展示我们位于市中心的迷人校园, 也是指定的后院野生动物保护区和合格的野生动物栖息地.

In addition to a general campus tour, 你将有机会参观你感兴趣的专业领域, including:

  • Athletics Fitness Center
  • 生物,化学和计算机科学空间
  • Billodue Makerspace(学习3d打印, laser and vinyl cutting, glasswork, sewing, fiber arts, bike maintenance)
  • Engineering spaces
  • E-Sports Lounge and Student Center
  • 李艺术中心(最先进的表演和展览空间)
  • The Chapel of St. Ignatius


I can't attend a Redhawk SUmmer Friday. How can I learn more about Seattle U?

有很多方法可以了解国外博彩app! Attend a campus tour and information session 今年夏天的另一个周一至周四 联系你指定的招生顾问, or take our Virtual Tour.


请致电206-220-8040或发邮件至 We would be happy to assist you.



Fall Preview Day

November 2, 2024

秋季预习日为未来第一次进入大学和转学生提供了探索我们校园和了解国外博彩app更多信息的机会. Faculty, 工作人员和在读学生将随时为您提供有关国外博彩app学术课程的信息, student life opportunities, 还有录取和经济援助程序.


Sample Fall Preview Schedule  


8:30–9:00 a.m. |登记及欧式早餐

9:00–9:50 a.m. | Greeting and welcoming remarks

9:50–10:35 a.m. | Academic Information Sessions

10:35–11:05 a.m. | Academic Department Fair 

11:10–11:45 a.m. | Workshop Session 1 

11:55 a.m.–12:30 p.m. | Workshop Session 2 

12:30–1:05 p.m. | Lunch

1:10–1:45 p.m. | Workshop Session 3

End of program 

Workshops Include 

  • Academic Information Sessions
  • Applying to Seattle University 
  • Living On Campus 
  • How to Finance Your Education
  • Nursing Clinical Performance Lab Tour
  • Education Abroad
  • Redhawk Student Panel
  • Student-Led Campus Tour
  • 残疾人士在大学的访问和住宿

After you RSVP, 查看您的电子邮件提示,以充分利用您的访问,并了解停车, event check-in, etc.

Contact our office at 206-220-8040 or send an email to them at with any questions that you may have! 

I can't attend the Fall Preview. How can I learn more about Seattle U?

有很多方法可以了解国外博彩app! Attend a Virtual Information Session, 联系你指定的招生顾问 or take our Virtual Tour



Admitted Student Days

April 2025

被录取学生日为被录取的学生提供了与院长见面的机会, faculty, 学生服务部门代表, financial aid counselors, and members of student organizations. Workshops will be offered throughout the day—Majors and Lab/Facility Tours, Living on Campus and Housing Tours, Career Engagement, Academic Advising, Education Abroad, Core Curriculum, Community Engagement and more.

想知道什么是录取学生日吗? 请参阅以下录取学生日时间表的示例.

8:15 - 9 am

Registration and Continental Breakfast

9 - 9:50 am

Welcome Remarks and Student Panel

10 - 11:15 am


11:25 - 12 pm

A sampling of Workshop Session 1 Topics include:

  • Campus Tour
  • Nursing Clinical Performance Lab Tour
  • Pre-Health (Pre-Med+) Advising
  • Career Engagement
  • Living on Campus
  • The Honors Program
  • Road to Success as a BIPOC Student

12 - 1 pm

Lunch & Drop-in Receptions

  • Family & Supporter Reception
  • Current Student Panel

1:10 - 1:45 pm


  • Academic Success Resources
  • 学生财务服务/财务援助
  • Redhawk Education Abroad
  • Student Diversity and Inclusion
  • Redhawk Fun Fest

1:55 - 2:30 pm


  • Admitted, What's Next? Orientation at SU
  • Division I Athletics
  • 参与健身,运动和户外活动
  • Student Clubs and Campus Traditions
  • Service and Community Engagement

College Fairs and More


PNACAC Spring College Fair

太平洋西北大学入学咨询协会(PNACAC)邀请您规划您的未来. 欢迎学生、家长和辅导员参加西雅图春季大学博览会. 来自全国各地的100多所大学通常都有代表参加!


西雅图地区考虑在耶稣会机构攻读本科学位的潜在申请人被鼓励参加耶稣会卓越之旅, 一个大学博览会,让来自耶稣会学院和大学的招生人员回答你国外博彩app他们的机构和申请过程的问题. 来自15所耶稣会院校的代表将出席.

Get in Touch

We’re here to help. 有关入学活动的问题,请联系:

Admissions Office